Sunday, September 27, 2015

Entry 13

  1. Worked on math homework
  2. Went to Ikea
  3. Took the Chapter 3 test
  4. Took the Jung Typology test
  5. Went to Spanish class
  6. Organized my room
  7. Donated to Goodwill
  8. Did some Speech homework
  9. Played Candy Crush
  10. Took a nap
  11. Watched The Office
  12. Put together something from Ikea
  13. Went to work
  14. Cleaned my room
  15. Went to Starbucks
Important/Urgent: Quadrant 1 -
Important/Not Urgent: Quadrant 2 -
Not Important/Urgent: Quadrant 3 -
Not Important/Not Urgent: Quadrant 4 -

Important/Urgent: Quadrant 1 - Worked on math homework (2 hours), went to work (25 hours), went to Spanish class (2 and a half hours)
Important/Not Urgent: Quadrant 2 - Took the Chapter 4 test (1 hour), Took the Jung Typology test (1 hour), Did speech homework (2 hours), cleaned my room (3 hours), organized my room (1 hour), Put together something from Ikea (2 hours), donated to Goodwill (20 minutes)
Not Important/Urgent: Quadrant 3 - Took a nap (6 hours)
Not Important/Not Urgent: Quadrant 4 - Watched The Office (1 hour), Went to Ikea (3 hours), Went to Starbucks (2 hours), Played candy crush (1 hour)

4. I discovered that I should be a bit more proud of myself that I don't have a crazy amount of things in Quadrant 4. I spend the most time in Quadrant 1 and 2. I spend a lot of time doing certain tasks that are very necessary in my life. I could reach my goals but if I try to manage my time even more it'll probably work out even better. If I am lazy or don't feel like doing homework, that definitely keeps me from doing purposeful actions. I feel good about my discoveries. I think I can make better use of my time by analyzing it. I want to do more of my homework earlier in the week. It gets tough when I have roughly ten assignments a week, trying to balance it between work and classes. Hopefully I can plan my week out with school work where I don't get too overwhelmed.

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