IG: In what area of your life are you off course?
Me: I'm not learning the stuff I want to, like web design.
IG: Would you like to say more about that? (Expansion)
Me: I feel like I'm often busy doing other things and I'm scared I won't do well with it.
IG: What self-defeating thought patterns of yours may have contributed to this situation?
Me: I think they are other people who are smarter and better than me at this so it feels like it could be a waste.
IG: Why do you think that? (Clarification)
Me: I've always grown up being insecure with myself at least a little, and I have a constant confidence level to where I feel like I can't achieve things.
IG: Interesting. A lot of people go through that insecurity. What different thoughts could you choose to get back on course?
Me: I could choose to think and remember that I have a nice goal at my age and not many people know exactly what they're doing or what they want, and I do have some experience that I need to just build on.
IG: What self-defeating emotional patterns could have contributed?
Me: I get worried and nervous when projects seem to big or the stuff seems to complicated. I'm not sure if I could do it.
IG: So you want things to always be clear to you.
Me: Yes. It scares me when I don't get something.
IG: That's understandable, but it is all part of the process. Everybody has to go through learning. What different emotions can you choose?
Me: I can choose to be thankful for knowing what I want to do and happy that I have great resources to do it.
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